The CALEA Standards Review and Interpretation Committee, referred to as the “SRIC” meets in Executive Session just prior to each CALEA conference to work on standards for revision or creation of new ones. At the CALEA conference, the Commission votes to approve a standard or direct staff to post the standard for client comments. Deleted language is shown as red strikethrough. The proposed new language is shown as highlighted and in bold text.
Please review the standard and complete the web form by September 10, 2023.
(NEW) 34.1.7 (M M M M) (CS1) Security of Investigative and Training Aids
A written directive establishes procedures to ensure security and accountability for controlled substances, weapons, or explosives used for investigative or training purposes.
Some agencies utilize procured, seized or forfeited controlled substances, weapons, or explosives for investigative or training purposes, including items procured through a Federal or other authority. It is critical that the agency establish safeguards to maintain security and integrity of these controlled items.
The agency should establish guidelines for the periodic accounting of any controlled item utilized in this manner.
If the agency stores explosives, proper containers must be used, including all required hazardous materials placards or warning signage depending on the type and quantity of the materials.
This standard does not apply to agency property, including weapons, ammunition or imitation/inert training aids, addressed by other standards in the manual. (M M M M) (CS1)