The CALEA Standards Review and Interpretation Committee, referred to as the “SRIC” meets in Executive Session just prior to each CALEA conference to work on standards for revision or creation of new ones. At the CALEA conference, the Commission votes to approve a standard or direct staff to post the standard for client comments. Deleted language is shown as red strikethrough. The proposed new language is shown as highlighted and in bold text.
Please review the standard and complete the web form by September 10, 2023.
22.1.5 (M M M M) (LE1) Victim Witness Services / Line of Duty Death Employment Related Injury or Death
A written directive defines assistance services to be rendered to agency personnel and their families following line-of-duty death or a serious injuries injury or death while in the performance of their work-related duties.
Commentary: Appropriate agency-provided services include notifying the family of the an injured or deceased dead or injured officer agency employee in a timely, personal manner, assisting the family at the hospital, supporting the family at the funeral and burial, helping the family with legal and benefits matters, counseling the family regarding finances and other possible problems, supporting the family during criminal proceedings (if any), and maintaining long-term contact with the family and keeping informed of family needs. Agencies should review line of duty work-related death related resources periodically to ensure contact numbers and support information remains contemporary and appropriate for distribution to affected families or beneficiaries. (M M M M) (LE1)